Stakeholder Engagement to Inform Strategies for Improving Education about Infant Feeding in Manitoba Schools
Mothers often feel stigmatized when breastfeeding in public, or unsupported by the people around them. The majority of education about infant feeding is targeted towards pregnant women and mothers, with few resources directed to society at large.
Teaching school children about human milk and infant feeding could help normalize breastfeeding and increase societal support by fostering the perception that breastfeeding is a normal and healthy way for mothers to feed their babies.
This study aims to engage with education stakeholders and health care providers, and to explore ways of incorporating infant feeding education into the Manitoba school curriculum.
A full summary report of our findings from stakeholder focus groups and surveys is available: Click here
For more information please contact: Sarah Turner at [email protected]
This study has been approved by the Joint-Faculty Research Ethics Board (204-474-7122) | [email protected]
Study Overview - See the link for PDF - breastfeeding_education_project_report_040619_-_final.pdf :