Dr. Shreyas Khumbare was awarded a two-year Molly Towel Perinatal Research Foundation Fellowship to study the effect of human-derived human milk fortifiers on gut microbiota development and oxidative stress in premature infants. Only two fellowships were awarded across Canada. The goal of the Molly Towell Perinatal Research Foundation is to encourage perinatal research in Canada by supporting original and innovative research in fetal or neonatal medicine. Congratulations, Shreyas!
In this collaboration with Stuart Turvey & Brett Finlay at the University of British Columbia, we linked microbiome data from mothers' breast milk and infants' stool in the CHILD Cohort Study. The analyses were led by Azad Lab analyst Kelsey Fehr and PhD student Shirin Moossavi, along with UBC trainees Roz Boutin & Hind Sbihi. We found associations between gut microbiota composition and breastmilk feeding practices (exclusivity, duration, and pumping) and breastmilk microbiota. We also found that some bacteria were shared within mother-infant dyads, suggesting bacteria in breastmilk may transfer to the infant and influence the developing gut microbiota. Read the full paper, check out the Tweetorial or read the press release.
THRiVE Lab News
September 2024