Dr. Merilee Brockway, Post-doctoral fellow in the Azad Lab, has been invited to present on her research at the International Donor Milk Conference to be held in Austin, Texas on April 20-21, 2020. The title of her presentation will be: Matching donor human milk based on maternal secretor status: Exploring impact on the gut microbiome. Congratulations Merilee on this exciting opportunity!
Early in life, babies born by cesarean section have different gut bacteria than babies born vaginally—instead of picking up microbes from their mothers, they take on bacteria from the hospital environment, a new study in Nature found. Dr. Azad was interviewed by Popular Science on the topic when this article came out.
"Meredith Brockway, Ph.D., R.N., a nurse and postdoctoral researcher studying clinical uses of human milk at the University of Manitoba, said that... most moms who find themselves breastfeeding into toddlerhood didn’t plan it that way." Read the full New York times article here.
The International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation (ISRHML) and the Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation (FLRF) have awarded travel funds to Dr. Kozeta Miliku, post-doctoral Fellow in the Azad Lab, for the purpose of receiving training in the laboratory of Qingling Duan on the subject of GWAS (Genome-Wide Association Studies) to analyze key fatty acids in human milk. Congratulations Kozeta!
THRiVE Lab News
February 2025