The Azad Lab is currently participating in two exciting exchange visits sponsored by the Trainee Expansion Program (TEP) of the International Society for Research on Human Milk and Lactation (ISRHML).
Dr. Kozeta Miliku, post-doctoral fellow in the Azad Lab, has recently had the opportunity to advance her genetic/genomic research skills in the lab of Dr. Qingling Duan at Queen's University (Kingston, ON). Dr. Anuradha Ravi, researcher at the Quadram Institute (Norfolk, UK), is currently spending time in the Azad Lab learning about human milk research and sharing her expertise in metagenomics of microbial communities. As part of her visit, she has been invited to present her work at the National Microbiology Laboratory Bioinformatics Working Group. Many thanks to the Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation, ISRHML and TEP for creating these exciting opportunities for knowledge exchange, trainee development and lab cross-fertilization! The next deadline for TEP is coming up December 15th. Check out this link to apply! Comments are closed.
THRiVE Lab News
October 2024